July 4 2021, 9:00 am | BY Ricki Green | No Comments
In the second phase of its current campaign financial comparison platform, Compare the Market via creative agency VCCP Sydney, is shining the spotlight on a key money-saving moment most of us miss out on when we get sent an insurance renewal notice.
The campaign highlights why doing nothing may mean you’re paying more than you need to for the same insurance.
In the TVC, we see young meerkat Oleg Orlov, continuing his introduction into the family business. This time, Oleg is touring the research wing where he learns about ‘Savings Sleepers’, people who don’t take the time to check whether they’re being overcharged on their insurance renewals. After an alarming moment, ‘waking up’ a test subject, the meerkats get the situation safely under control with a better deal from Compare the Market.
December 23 2020, 10:25 am | BY Ricki Green | 36 Comments
The highly entertaining latest instalment of Budget Direct’s “Insurance Solved” campaign via 303 MullenLowe Sydney, in which out of this world, extraordinary events wreak havoc upon unsuspecting folk, sees two giant monsters hurling a mangled wreak of a car onto a city roof top.
Bursting onto the scene, Sarge and Jacs approach the bewildered driver just as the monster’s battle reaches an all-time high, as does Sarges’ disbelief at the monstrous insurance policy held by the car’s occupants. Sarge and Jacs make it clear that if the driver was insured with Budget Direct, because the accident was not his fault, he would have been entitled to a hire car while his car gets repaired.