Hard work on coming to consensus about what this private right of action should look like. So i just want to say a couple of programs because i dont know if it is unpress dented dented but it is rare. And i want to talk about why we decided to go this route. We are basically strengthening what was already a very strong ordinance. And by taking this step, of creating a private right of action for individuals or nonprofits, serving immigrant populations to hold the city accountable, if the city or snee act tore in the city violates these protections that we are creating, it is an extraordinary act, and we are doing this because of the fact that Muslim Community in San Francisco and across the country, and the immigrant community in general in the u. S. Is facing dangerous discrimination by our federal government as we speak. And with this ordinance and the amendments we are sending a strong and clear message to the Trump Administration that San Francisco is dead serious about doing what
Absent today item 3 announcement of probation sound producing devices during a meeting. Pages or other similar using sound device and are prohibited at the meeting. Any person responsible for when going up may be asked to leave the room. These, no phone set on vibrate because my phone interference to the board respectively request they be turned off. Item for approval of minutes of the january 17 regular meeting and the february 7 special meeting so moved. Second. Any public on and on the Meeting Minutes . Seeing none, all those in favor say, aye. [chorus of ayes. ] opposed, say nay. Hearing none, that passes item 5 to medications ive known for you today item 6 introduction of new or Unfinished Business by Board Members director nolan by the great concern the failure of the administration to include the money for the electrification of caltrans into our members are representing us on it. Director ramos on the caltrain body and director reiskin on the board. Later a much other report ba
San francisco meniscal Transportation Agency to order. Please, call the roll call hsu present nolan present ramos present rath present directors please be a wise director heinicke will be absent today item 3 announcement of probation sound producing devices during a meeting. Pages or other similar using sound device and are prohibited at the meeting. Any person responsible for when going up may be asked to leave the room. These, no phone set on vibrate because my phone interference to the board respectively request they be turned off. Item for approval of minutes of the january 17 regular meeting and the february 7 special meeting so moved. Second. Any public on and on the Meeting Minutes . Seeing none, all those in favor say, aye. [chorus of ayes. ] opposed, say nay. Hearing none, that passes item 5 to medications ive known for you today item 6 introduction of new or Unfinished Business by Board Members director nolan by the great concern the failure of the administration to include t
This horrible man, and his administration and it is pushing us to be stronger and more kind and loving to one another. And so thank you for that. And with that could i entertain a motion to adopt the amendments . And without objection and those amendments passed and can i have a motion to move this item forward with recommendation . Yes, so moved, please. Second. Without objection, this motion passes. Thank you so much. Madam clerk are there any other items . There is no further business. Okay, with that, the committee is closed. Thank you so much. [gavel] good afternoon everyone. I want to call the meeting of the San Francisco meniscal Transportation Agency to order. Please, call the roll call hsu present nolan present ramos present rath present directors please be a wise director heinicke will be absent today item 3 announcement of probation sound producing devices during a meeting. Pages or other similar using sound device and are prohibited at the meeting. Any person responsible fo