to work without any sign of a paycheck any time soon. and at scott eyre force base, the shutdown affects more than just these workers. reporter: this woman has run this man has run this convenience store. he was alone because we were running the country. reporter: a shutdown will cost him 20% or more. that s just the beginning. none of the 5,000 civilian on the base will be paid even though some will be working. none of them will be paid at this time. those that do work would be paid through congress retroactively afterward, but they will come to work and not be paid in the interim. losing all those employees for a significant amount of time will put a significant dent in the annual growth of the economy. in fact, there won t be any growth. it will be negative growth. the whole bprocess is very
digging around a is. you re watching cbs5 eyewitness news in high definition. going back to the scene of the crime, what police were doing tonight, digging around a gravesite where a hells angel was murdered during a funeral. the occupy protestors say they are all about rights. the one freedom they refuse to recognize. i don t want to say we can forget that it can happen but, when it does happen, you know, there s just a shock about it. reporter: you may have seen the terrible crash of the indy car race in vegas, but tonight, we ll show you the phenomenon known as dirty air and how that may have caused it. good evening, i m ken bastida. i m dana king. new developments in the killing of a hells angel shot at a san josi cemetery during the murder of another hells angel and there may be a third dead angel out there. police don t know where his body is. they think other hells angel may have dragged it away. kiet do with exclusive video of what s happening at the c
craig: pork bellies. pork bellies. craig: what happened, matt? guilt got the better of me and i said i have to give it to someone who deserves it. craig: the swedish lesbians. i say divide it evenly amongst as many lesbians as possible. craig: you had better give them the money. take that back to sweden and get yourself some furniture. good night, everybody. yourself some furniture. good night, everybody. good night.,, [people chatting] everyone, it s $37 a piece. paying with your smart phone instead of cash. that s a step forward. with chase person-to-person quickpay, you can send money directly to your friend s checking account. all you need is their email address or mobile number. don t worry honey, i ll show you. thanks everyone. gging around a gr is. you re watching cbs5 eyewitness news in high definition. going back to the scene of the crime, what police were doing tonight, digging around a gravesite where a hells angel was murdered during a funeral. th
rodriguez grounds it left. through for a base hit. and scott eyre, it appears, will come out of the bull pen and work to matsui. he will. matsui will make a bid for his fourth hit. a triple shy of the cycle. eight hits in 12 at-bats in this world series and three homers, eight rbis and he will tangle with scott eyre when we come back. bottom of the seventh inning. yankees lead by four. [ male announcer ] right now mrs. jones is freeing herself from restrictive calling circles and switching her entire family to sprint. that way her daughter isn t, like, limited to, like, lame calling plans. her son can talk all day long. and while on the sprint network, if her husband pocket-dials any mobile phone nationwide. yo, this is flavor flav! who s this?! [ male announcer ] .it s no big deal. welcome to the now network. get any mobile anytime for just $42.50 a month per line with unlimited text and data. and right now, buy a blackberry curve for $49.99 and get a second one free. sprint
joe: here are the numbers for the entire postseason this year for chan ho park, who has shown increased velocity down the stretch and in the postseason for philadelphia. one on, one out. derek jeter will be the hitter with jerry hairston jr. to follow. bull pen is quiet for the yankees. and now quiet for the phillies, as park is the fourth pitcher of the night for philadelphia. happ went one, allowed one hit, two-run double by matsui. that was in the fifth. there s a pretty good pitch called ball one. happ walked three, struck out one. to the right side. howard fires to second for the out. two out in the inning and jeter safe at first. so swisher is erased. two out. and tonight s in-game box score for the yankees brought to you by warner brothers pictures the box starring cameron diaz in theaters everywhere this friday. jeter has two hits. the one guy you have to highlight is the dh, the number 5 hitter in this lineup, 3 for 3 with a home run, a double, six rbis. two-run