Booth's Grocery became a tourist destination thanks to his viral Cajun OnStar video, but who knew the Comma to the Top would lead us to this full-circle moment?
Booth's Grocery became a tourist destination thanks to his viral Cajun OnStar video, but who knew the Comma to the Top would lead us to this full-circle moment?
Booth's Grocery became a tourist destination thanks to his viral Cajun OnStar video, but who knew the Comma to the Top would lead us to this full-circle moment?
Booth's Grocery became a tourist destination thanks to his viral Cajun OnStar video, but who knew the Comma to the Top would lead us to this full-circle moment?
About a year ago, members of the Denton County Behavioral Health Leadership Team noticed a disturbing trend: After declining in the first year of the pandemic, suicide deaths were trending