Tenderloin and people who i grew up with. People are angry with when they see and experience. The brazen drug use and sales during broad daylight. We know what is at stake. The sale of drugs on our streets they are killing people. And open air drug markets disrupting neighborhoods and residents. In fact we had moreover dose deaths since the start of a Global Pandemic then and there covid deaths. Kids are wuk by things they should not see on the way to school. No one should see or experience that. This does not include the violence which we know has been extremely problematic. I know there are so many who are struggling with addiction. And this is a city of compassion. Of course, we want to help. We have been balancing our work around expansion of services and treatment for them. And we need to firm low establish what is acceptable conduct on our streets and in our public spaces. San francisco has to draw a firm line at behaviors that harm that injury and cost neighborhoods peace of min
Assisting individuals with federal and state benefit programs. Most navigators are nonprofit, nonpartisan Community Service providers and have effective privacy provisions in place. Those are the facts and the show good news. You talking your Opening Statement about the navigators were going from door to door and that is a concern. Thats why we have to have the real navigators in place so they can sign people up. Just yesterday hhs, doj and the ftc announced a massive antifraud effort. I would suggest we all Work Together to stop any kind of fraud in the system. With that i want to yield the balance of my time to the representative castor. I think the Ranking Member for yielding time. The enthusiasm i am hearing back home from so many of my neighbors, particularly when it comes to now the bar against discrimination for our neighbors that have preexisting conditions. Just over the past few weeks i met with Community Leaders and multiple sclerosis and diabetes, hiv aids, cancer that now
Is but heres a point that people miss. Seven other times the president has decided himself that parts of the law were unimportant and the law he side in fact was not going to endure. What about the preexisting Condition Program . This law was sold on the backs of people with preexisting conditions across this country and yet when someone showed up on february 1st of this year to enroll in the pcip program, they were told, sorry, sister, the program is closed. For 11 months people with preexisting conditions who were promised relief are simply wandering the country what they were supposed to do. Shop exchanges put off to 2015. Delaying final contracts with contractors. Delaying the employer mandate. Removing outofpocket caps. No premium information. This was promised to me by the administrator of cms in july in this committee that i would have this information by september 15. Mr. Cohen we are going the long way now to september 15th. Go to the website on healthcare. Gov. Come back and
The house is about to gavel back in. Today, lawmakers will resume debate to fund the government for the next year. This is live house kofrm here on cspan. Coverage here on cspan. Whol hearts are opened and all desires are known and no secrets are hidden, we lay before you the concerns of our hearts for peace in this world and the desires we have that ukraine would be liberated from the oppression they now endure. Nothing in all of creation is concealed from your sight. We ask, then, that you expose tyranny and reveal its true motive of power and selfpromotion. Uncover the traitors to freedom and enemies of sovereignty and convict them of their deceit. Unmask those who scheme for their own interests at the expense of their own country and have them answer for their transgressions. May all who fail to contribute to the common good, all those who thwart the ideals of freedom and democracy in ukraine be laid bear before you and may your judgment be swift. Call us all to account for our dee
The only protection is for buildings with 30 units or more. We believe the legislation is unworkable and urge you to oppose this measure. Im president of the small Property Owners of San Francisco, im a small Property Owner myself and were very concerned about this measure. I guess im wearing black today because im mourning further death of rental housing in San Francisco. Every time one of these measures gets past, a few more people decide to sell or not to went rent or to rents to a family member. Thats what ive done. This initiative lies. It purports to make housing more affordable, but reduces the supply as people find more creative ways to avoid renting their houses out to ordinary people the way we used to. It cheats people who buth several years ago with no knowledge of this punitive and excessive tax on top of all the other costs of owning rental property in San Francisco and these costs are would what cause people to want to go out of the rental business. It steals. This tax i