it was at least in a liquid condition. can you explain that? citigroup had a wholesale funding structure. what wachovia had was a fairly decent resale franchise. baggage would have gone along with it. the thought was to be able to incorporate the to to stabilize some of the funding structure. 27 of the the radiators to to get away, we meant that you were supposed to dump it out and not continue the consumption at the regulation stages for the that is a question we would be concerned about. we were really/treasury making a decision. i think it was outside the bounds. i think i said that. yes, you did. thank you very much. we will come back here at 12:25. we are a little behind schedule. we are close enough to catch up. [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2010] thank you very much. i am the chief risk officer of jpmorgan chase and have served in that role since i began working in the bank of dece
deal in exchange better. yes, they would change coverage because they have more choice and competition. let s be clear about the first point. the second point, when you do props like this and you repeat 2400 pages, the truth of the matter is that health care is very complicated. we can try to pretend that it is not but it it is. every single item that we have talked about, if we wanted to sauce of lead deal with fraud and abuse, that would generate a bunch of pages. these are the kind of political things that we do that prevent us from having a conversation. not respond to your question. we could set up a system where food was probably cheaper than it is right now if we just eliminated meat inspectors. we could eliminate any regulations in terms of how food is distributed and stored. i am betting in terms of drug prices, we would definitely reduce prescription drug prices if we did not have a drug administration to make sure that we test the drugs so they don t kill us. . . b
he sort of was rather happy with the acquisition he made that accounted for 75% of its profits for the bank of america in the last quarter so i would suspect about six months to a year from now, he s going to be telling this tremendous victory of this of acquiring merrill lynch. but all that being said, what we really i don t know why we re spending our time to find out what happened between the 15th of september and january 5 first. all we all know is a hell of a lot went over the dam and particularly in that spectacular two-week period after september 15th. i want you, one, before you leave here, to tell this committee and the american people what kind of jeopardy the american system and the world system was in so we reiterate that moment that we weren t all a bunch of relaxed confident people walking around making clear judgments but we were making emergency judgments, working 20-and 24 hour days and not with the clearest heads in the world. is that correct. thank you
that does not constitute a threat. that is informing them of what the power is, isn t it? as long as the reason@@@@@@@ the manager took actions that prejudiced his own company. this is not a threat, this is telling the truth. i do not know if anyone told them this. as a witness i interviewed them individually. he seemed rather happy with the acquisition that he made, accounting for 75% of the profits. i would suspect this in six months for one year from now. they would be acquiring this at merrill lynch. i do not know why we are spending our time to find out what happened between the 15th of september and january 1. . lot went over the dam and particularly in that spectacular two week period after september 15. i want you one, before you leave here, to tell this committee and the american people what kind of jeopardy the american system and the world system was in so we reiterate that moment that we weren t all a bunch of relaxed, confident people walking around confide