Remembering the Fallen, might be an invitation to not only be silent in remembrance of others, past and present, but to silently look inward to our own fallen selves. An opportunity to see what it is that others use to trigger our resentment with the injustice that we see all around us and to see h
Henry Cavill, Millie Bobby Brown and Louis Partridge in Enola Holmes 2
Millie Bobby Brown and Harry Styles are in two new streaming films that dropped over the weekend. One is decidedly more fun, but both do make the case for how these two will command rapt audiences in the years to come.
The chairman of a new panel that will scrutinise the police on race issues is a criminal defence barrister who has said her ultimate aim is to end funding for forces.
The chairman of a new panel that will scrutinise the police on race issues is a criminal defence barrister who has said her ultimate aim is to end funding for forces.