Spruce Point Capital Management issued an update on April 18 to its December 2021 report highlighting what it believes are the many unsavoury business practices at Nuvei Corporation
How business schools are dealing with the rise in cryptocurrency
Over the past five years, digital finance has increasingly become part of business education (Illustration by Raymond Biesinger)
Cryptocurrency courses have become a big deal in a short amount of time much like cryptocurrencies themselves. As recently as three years ago, it still seemed disreputable for business schools to teach about Bitcoin or other electronic currencies that are secured through online databases. “At the very beginning, there was a misconception that cryptos were funny money and a speculative tool,” says Henry Kim, associate professor at the Schulich School of Business, York University, and director and co-founder of the school’s blockchain.lab. “Business schools didn’t want to teach that because they thought it was faddish.”