not only tone deafness but a flaw in his character, i think. and he didn t deserve to win if that s his view of the election and we had an outcome justified. the republicans got what they deserved. i like the governor jindal approach. we need to reflect, grow, to go back to some principles but not back to the past. we need to look forward and talk about put compassion back in conservatism. we need to take a no-labels approach and talk about problem solving, not ideology. we need to get to core problems and talk about that s what american voters told us they want. they don t want more partisan rhetoric. they want problem solving. sam in ploolitico today, mik allen writes republicans tell us the comments made by romney convince them romney doesn t get it and the 47% was no slip of the tongue. hard to argue. this is the essence of the 47% comments that he made
the reality let s deal with this now. we show them that fortitude when everything hits the fan be it oppression albeit even a terroristic threat that made it obvious 11 years ago today. i think when it comes to issues like the debt and whether we are going to get downgraded or whether we can afford the type of lifestyle we are living as a country. since it seems relatively by comparison intangible no one gives a you know what. that is the danger. you and i both know so many of you flirss know that america understands what the core problems are. it s debt, it s energy and it s education. why do politicians treat us like we are idiots? essentially because of the system and the way it is built encourages that. we have a system that encourages people to come from the extreme. you cannot solve the problem when you have republicans who say we are never going to raise
more to the point, it takes the issue off the table. do you expect him to go on health care? here s the problem, chuck. i think the last week shows some of the core problems with romney s candidacy between the arizona immigration case and the fact that he still can t figure out what to say about it. and this particular issue really makes that clear. and finally the vanity fair piece about money.
way to talk about that. whatever happens either way if it s held up or tossed out. i think there is a lot of room for these candidates to grow. mark said that mitt romney will have to run a competent campaign. he will probably have to run more than a competent campaign and be have stronger candidate that we have seen so far. he has a gaffe problem, and he has not addressed some core problems. he has to figure out a way to talk about how rich he is and what a that means for the person he is and his ability to connect. let s tilt the table a little bit. i have always been complimefavor the president. romney is no good at small talk, and i think it s dangerous for him. if you get him in a debate where
his health care, a vote out of the supreme court. they ll have to figure out how to talk about that, whether it s held up or tossed out. i think there is a lot of room for these candidates to grow. mark said mitt romney will have to run a competent campaign. he ll probably have to run a much more than competent campaign and in many ways be a much, much stronger candidate than we ve seen so far. he hasn t addressed some of these core problems that he has, and one of which, as we know, is connecting to voters. he hasn t talked about how rich he is and what that means for what kind of person he is and his ability to connect. let s turn the table for a time. i ve always been very complimentary about the president, to say the least, but i want to look at this race pretty objectively. we re looking ahead at this thing. i think i see strengths for mr. romney. i look at him in the debates, not the conversations he has back and forth with the other