the first cover story blast in the late part of the campaign was a groundbreaking story about donald trump s foreign business entanglements. that s the story where we learned that trump s plan for dealing with the business conflicts of interest becoming president, his plan for dealing with that is to let his family run his business instead of himself. which, of course, wouldn t resolve those conflicts of interest at all. they would just be about his family instead of about him. then a couple weeks after that we got this, the castro connection, how donald trump s company violated the u.s. embargo against cuba. curt just had two big swats against donald trump in the form of newsweek koifr stories over the last several weeks. well, tonight, we have got scoop number three. and we have got it exclusively. this, ready? this is the cover story breaking tomorrow. why the russians are backing trump.
of newsweek koifr stories over the last several weeks. well, tonight, we have got scoop number three. and we have got it exclusively. this, ready? this is the cover story breaking tomorrow. why the russians are backing trump. and then you see the sub head there? inside putin s complex gambit to weaken the nato alliance. once again and we have obtained an advance look at some of this story. some of it s lead and some of it s details. i have to tell you, i m going to be a little bit woolley to quote this and describe some of the rest of it because we here at msnbc we have not obtained the
curt just had two big swats against donald trump in the form of newsweek koifr stories over the last several weeks. well, tonight, we have got scoop number three. and we have got it exclusively. this, ready? this is the cover story breaking tomorrow. why the russians are backing trump. and then you see the sub head there? inside putin s complex gambit to weaken the nato alliance. once again and we have obtained an advance look at some of this story. some of it s lead and some of it s details. i have to tell you, i m going to be a little bit woolley to quote this and describe some of the rest of it because we here at msnbc we have not obtained the entire article. we have pieces of it. we have characterizations of the rest of their reporting and this is newsweek reporting. this is not nbc or msnbc