Edray Goins, professor of mathematics at Pomona College in Claremont will deliver the 80th Harry S. Kieval lecture at Cal Poly Humboldt on Friday at 7 p.m. in Room 135 of the Science-B Building on the Cal Poly Humboldt campus.
Harry S. Kieval Lecture Dr. Pamela E. Harris, Professor of Mathematics at University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, will deliver the 78th semi-annual Harry S. Kieval Lecture at Cal Poly Humboldt on Friday, October 14. The lecture will be at 7:00 p.m. in Room 135 of the Science-B Building on the Cal Poly Humboldt campus. The public is welcome to this free lecture, which is geared toward a general audience. The title of the lecture is "How to Choose Your Own Mathematical Adventures". Dr. Harris will explore answers to questions such as “What is mathematical research?”, “How does a mathematician find problems to work on?” and “How does one build mathematical collaborations?”. She will share her journey to research mathematics, what it entails, how she has developed new research ideas, and how she has found her own place within the mathematical community. Mathematical topics to be discussed include lattice point visibility, parking functions, an