This story was produced by the State College regional bureau of Spotlight PA, an independent, nonpartisan newsroom dedicated to investigative and public-service journalism for Pennsylvania. Sign up for our regional newsletter, Talk of the Town. STATE COLLEGE — Hundreds of Penn State employees are challenging the university president’s leadership and
Local news from and Centre County Partners. Read about Hundreds of Penn State Faculty Are Publicly and Privately Questioning University Leadership and more from the State College, PA region
Professor Samuel Donkor, Dean, School of Applied Economics and Management Sciences at University for Development Studies, has urged government to address the negative impact of climate change on agricultural productivity in rural areas. He said, "The uncertainty inherent in rainfall and extreme climate events is affecting food security, especially in…
Northern Sector District level of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) has organised a two-day follow-up advocacy workshop on Green Climate Fund (GCF) projects and its processes, implemented last year. The theme for the event held in Tamale was: "Equipping CSOs towards effective monitoring and advocacy on GCF funded initiatives in Ghana".…