Marita Fairfield said she has “always been all about making sure people can use technology.” Now she is doing it as chief operating officer of Wiscasset-based National Digital Equity Center (NDEC). Fairfield, who grew up in Wiscasset, had a market.
PHIL DI VECE, News Contributor Tue, 03/02/2021 - 7:00am
The masthead of The Wiscasset Newspaper as it appeared in 1979.
My first look at the Wiscasset Newspaper came in the autumn of 1978. I was living in Fort Collins, Colorado finishing my senior year at Colorado State University where I majored in journalism. I was looking for a job as a newspaper reporter and some friends convinced me to come to Maine. They mailed me a package with copies of: the Portland Press Herald, Kennebec Journal, Times Record, Coastal Journal and The Wiscasset Newspaper.
Just a few months later, I started working as a reporter and photographer for The Wiscasset Newspaper. Dan DeRepentigny, the owner and publisher of the Boothbay Register, hired me. Dan in 1970 had started The Wiscasset Newspaper which began as a small, eight-page tabloid. It was printed on a letter press in the basement of the Boothbay Register on corner of Townsend Avenue and Union Street in Boothbay Harbor; the same small bu