for john kerry before that. he had been reported as trying to work on some kind of compromise with democratic senators. have you had any conversations with republican senator schultz about where he is now on the governor s plan? well, i don t think senator schultz has decided where he s going to vote, but he has never known. it has been fairly well known around the capitol, we have 18 solid senators prepared to vote for the governor s plan. i like schulze, but he is not in
schultz is in a district that voted for barack obama, voted for john kerry before that. he had been reported as trying to work on some kind of compromise with democratic senators. have you had any conversations with republican senator schultz about where he is now on the governor s plan? well, i don t think senator schultz has decided where he s going to vote, but he has never known. it has been fairly well known around the capitol, we have 18 solid senators prepared to vote for the governor s plan. i like schulze, but he is not in the mainstream republican thought at this time. my understanding of all of this is that there s going to be some independent minded republicans in the senate that are going to come forward, actually listen to constituent that tell them overwhelmingly that they support worker rights and that those rights should be preserved. they have been in the statutes more than 50 years. it is really my hope there is a