0 the feds believe they have evidence. 20-year-old azamat tazhayakov and diaz kadyrbayev stints from pakistan. also arrested were robel philops cambridge, massachusetts. we don t have his picture yet. they knew their pal had within arrested for the tear bombing and decided to help him anyway. unbelievable. reports are the men have confessed to the crime of aiding accused terrorists by on instructing and lying to federal agents. their lawyers say they are innocent but that s what all lawyers say. obviously a huge problem at the university of massachusetts. what kind of students are they accepting anyway? four bad on campus? how many more? talking points believes the wife of slain terrorist tamerlan tsarnaev may have exposure as well. authorities searching for bombists for days before the pictures were released. and then did the wife catherine russell do anything? commonwealth all over the world. used to be a strength when i went to school there now there is suspicion. especially on t
0 landing. we have to go. stick around. special report is up next welcome to red eye. it is like the girl with the dragon tattoo if by tattoo you mean hidden adams apple and strong, caring arms. let s go to tv s andy levy for a pre game report. what is coming up on tonight s show? coming u didn t nba player jason collins give his exfiancee a heads up when he came out earlier this week? we will find out. just kidding, it is just the panel talking about it. and is america held hostage by the tear raw thee of political correctness? and finally three students are arrested for helping dzhokhar tsarnaev cover his tracks after the boston marathon bombings. tls the brosi it is the brosivs for before explosives . i don t know how you haven t tweeted that yet. it is all i am thinking about. why don t you run and do it right now and then come back. i think i am going to, but i am not coming back. let s welcome our guest. cops often look for her in pawnshops. it is diane ma