Schülerinnen und Schüler sollen im kommenden Schuljahr Lernrückstände aus der Corona-Zeit aufholen können. Dafür stellen Land und Bund 28 Millionen Euro bereit. Wie wird das Aufholprogramm organisiert?
Erstmals seit 2003 hat die Landesregierung die Durchschnittsbeiträge für Schulbücher erhöht – um 30 Prozent. Damit erhöht sich der Anteil sowohl für die Eltern als auch für die Schulträger.
Trotz Corona-Pandemie sei die Nachfrage gleichbleibend hoch geblieben, berichtet der SKFM Hilden. De Anzahl der Langzeitberatungen sei im Vergleich zu den Zahlen der vergangenen Jahre erneut angestiegen. Dabei habe besonders die Nachfrage nach der Insolvenzberatung zugenommen.
and their c.o., stuart miller, they re doing a million dollars for the relief efforts. and we have people from all across the country that are donating money to be able to help for both we have the one at the schul and then you also have the one here for the surfside relief fund. both of those are great. we re going to be supporting both of them with some of our stuff and i would just urge people to help out with that. we ve worked very closely with the mayor in addition to working with the federal government as needs arise. the state s here to help and the federal government s also here and so we feel like we have all hands on deck to be able to assist with the search and rescue mission and obviously help people who have been displaced and help the families who have loved ones that are unaccounted for. when tragedy strikes, it s a very difficult thing in any circumstance, but speaking with
0 want to i ve spoken to debbie w wasserman schultz, and i promise you the administration, the congress are doing everything to be of assistance now and after this occurs. after they decide exactly what the state of play is. but i m glad to welcome everyone here to the adjunct to the white house here, in-person and virtually. survivors and family members, victims and the path breaking leaders like senator baldwin, just over five years ago, the pulse nightclub, a place of acceptance and joy, became a place of unspeakable pain and loss. and we ll never fully recover, but we ll remember, and we have to what we re going to do is with the members of congress here did, enshrine in law, as a consequence of that law, enshrine in perpetuity a literal monument to the loss that occurred there and an absolute determination that we re going to deal with this every single solitary day, and make sure that we re not in a position to see this happen again. behind me, you see on either board there t