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JSC hears about gaps in school co-curricular activities

The Trinidad and Tobago Guardian is the longest running daily newspaper in the country, marking its centenary in 2017. The paper started life as the Trinidad Guardian on Sunday 2nd September 1917 by the newly formed Trinidad Publishing Company Limited.

Parents, teachers unhappy with COVID protocol at schools

The Trinidad and Tobago Guardian is the longest running daily newspaper in the country, marking its centenary in 2017. The paper started life as the Trinidad Guardian on Sunday 2nd September 1917 by the newly formed Trinidad Publishing Company Limited.

Education stakeholders must meet at one table

Education stakeholders must meet at one table by 20210713 Yes­ter­day’s de­ci­sion by the Trinidad and To­ba­go Uni­fied Teach­ers’ As­so­ci­a­tion (TTUTA) and Na­tion­al Pri­ma­ry Schools Prin­ci­pals’ As­so­ci­a­tion (NAPSPA) to boy­cott a meet­ing with Ed­u­ca­tion Min­is­ter Dr Nyan Gads­by-Dol­ly on the re­open­ing of schools, has the po­ten­tial to de­rail the min­istry’s plan to re­sume phys­i­cal class­es come Sep­tem­ber 6 when the new aca­d­e­m­ic year be­gins.

TTUTA, Principals Association boycott stakeholders meeting citing disrespect

TTUTA, Principals Association boycott stakeholders meeting citing disrespect by 20210712 TTUTA president Antonia De Freitas shows a copy of the Ministry of Education’s, draft Guidlines for the Reopening of Schools, September 2021 during a news conference at TTUTA’s head office, Carlsen Field, Chaguanas, yesterday. SHASTRI BOODAN An­na-Lisa Paul Rep­re­sen­ta­tives of the T&T Uni­fied Teach­ers As­so­ci­a­tion (TTUTA) and the Na­tion­al Pri­ma­ry Schools Prin­ci­pals As­so­ci­a­tion (NAPSPA) yes­ter­day re­fused to at­tend a stake­hold­ers meet­ing with Ed­u­ca­tion Min­is­ter Dr Nyan Gads­by-Dol­ly to dis­cuss the planned re­open­ing of schools in Sep­tem­ber, claim­ing they were dis­re­spect­ed.

No major hiccups as students finally complete SEA

‘No major hiccups’ as students finally complete SEA by 20210702 De­spite the var­i­ous health and lo­gis­ti­cal con­cerns that threat­ened to up­set the ad­min­is­tra­tion of the 2021 Sec­ondary En­trance As­sess­ment (SEA) ex­am in the weeks pri­or – all stake­hold­ers yes­ter­day agreed it was smooth and with­out hic­cups or dis­rup­tions. Of the 19,651 stu­dents reg­is­tered to write the ex­am yes­ter­day, a small num­ber of them were re­port­ed­ly un­able to stick to the sched­ule due to be­ing on quar­an­tine as a re­sult of the COVID-19 virus.

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