The appointments of Julia Goebel, Jami Timmons Klotz and Dr. Joe McKenna will continue to drive Navigate360’s mission of helping schools and communities.
well today. recently governor dewine announcing these various proposals. and one of them that really stood out to me, sir, was a school tip line and also social media monitoring. the reason that struck is chord is that we ve heard about this kill list. that the shooter here in dayton reportedly had in high school. it was reported to police. we know his record was expunged. there was nothing in his background criminally that would have prevented him from legally buying a weapon. looking at this moving forward, if tips are coming into a school line, if they are passed onto a police department, is that something that moving forward, perhaps, should be included in consideration when it comes to whether someone should be allowed to buy a firearm? well, yes. if there s something in their record that would prevent them legally from buying a firearm, we need to make that information better available. what we said yesterday is, you know, we have the national slogan. if you see something, say