Liberia: First batch of Teachers in Early Childhood Education Receive In-Service C-Certificates
Liberia: First batch of Teachers in Early Childhood Education Receive In-Service C-Certificates
Monrovia – The Ministry of Education faces numerous challenges including an inadequately trained and inequitable distribution of teachers. According to the 2017 MoE Teacher Verification and Testing Program, 40 percent of primary school teachers do not possess the minimum required knowledge of English needed to be an effective instructor at the primary level. The distribution of qualified teachers in Liberia is also inequitable, with regions having economic advantage also getting more, and higher qualified teachers.
This is highlighted through the student-to-trained teacher ratio (STTR) which is 34:1 in Montserrado County, yet ranges from 64:1 to 90:1 in counties with high incidences of poverty (e.g. Rivercess, Sinoe, Gbarpolu, Grand Bassa, and River Gee). Multiple literatures point t