inside increases the bloom opens. when the pressure subsides the flower closes and takes a rest. if outlet is red white i mean. do you have a science question that you ve always wanted oncet we re happy to help out send it to us as a video text ovoid spell if we answer it on the show we ll send you a. a little surprise as a thank you. come on just ask. you ll find us at v.w. dot com slash science on twitter dude over here under school site tech and on facebook d.w. dot science. flowers open up to lure in their insect visitors like these bees live in communities sophisticated systems with
find us at d. w. dot com slash science on twitter dude over here under school site tech and on facebook d w dot science. next time our eight legged friend will see how spiders my safe human life researchers are using those silk as scaffolding for growing cardiac muscle tissue will this help you people with heart disease find out next week on tomorrow today see you then.
has an effect on us many people revere the moon. and a tribute special powers to it and why not maybe in this case it s better that science doesn t spoil the magic. if outlet is read why are great but i m very happy to you have a science question that you ve always wanted answered we re happy to help out send it to us as a video text ovoid smell if we answer it on the show will send you a little surprise as a thank you can all just ask. do you find us at t.w. dot com slash science or drop us a line at g.w. under school site tech on facebook d w dot science. meal worm burgers fried grasshoppers insects are being touted as the new meat they are
with their mouths helps babies develop a personality the mouth is their gateway to the world. but only very few made it. do you have a science question that you ve always wanted answered we re happy to help out send it to us as a video text ovoid smell if we answer it on the show we ll send you a little surprise as a thank you and just ask. you find as i did a dot com slash science or drop us a line at g.w. under school site tech on facebook d w dot science. now we head back to the water in switzerland where alters are making a comeback the dextrous animals have many clever habits for example they sleep holding hands so they don t drift away in the river. scientists have been watching
a question then just ask him and tell him he will send you a small surprise to send us your question by video text message over or smell we have to hear from you. to find us at d.s.w. dot com slash science or drop us a line at g.w. under school site tech. facebook d.w. science. theoretical physics is a complex subject that makes it all the more amusing that one of its heroes has become such a cultural icon albert einstein. animates his a new tricks book germany has brought the scientific genius back to life.