In the wake of the 1902 Coal Strike, the editorial team at
McClure’s Magazine made the decision to explore the legacy of the strike and peculiar lands of Pennsylvania’s Coal Region.
In February 1903,
McClure’s published two lengthy stories about the anthracite coal fields. One, “The Right to Work” by Lincoln Steffens, explored the intense violence that took place during the 1902 Coal Strike between union and non-union mineworkers. The other, “Children of the Coal Shadow” by Francis Nichols, revealed the bleak realities facing children growing up in the mining towns and villages of Northeastern Pennsylvania.
In the lengthy article, complete with haunting illustrations provided by Frank Schoonover, Nichols traveled the Coal Region and talked with children about their lives. He exposes how the coal operators and mill owners manipulated child labor laws to allow children as young as eight to work in dangerous mine operations and in knitting mills. He also points t