Her dad was a 90s heartthrob who stood out as a top Latin actor in several acclaimed movies. He has worked with Jennifer Lopez , Sean Penn and Jason Bateman in the past few decades.
The veteran actor spoke to BET about breaking the mold in Hollywood, making a name for himself as a Latino actor, and the new upcoming Mission Impossible film.
How does a former Hollywood actress end up in Jerusalem’s Old City, with a lively frum family of eight kids, running hilarious and highly popular laughter games workshops?
Hollywood may have been a detour from Debbie Hirsch’s true calling in Jerusalem. But detours, she has since come to learn, aren’t necessarily mistakes.
Her foray there was on the whim of her sister Lisa. It made perfect sense at the time, given her family’s background in the performing arts and her high school education at the School of Performing Arts in Manhattan. Her parents, Shimon and Ilana Gewirtz, also known as the Balladeers, were famous performers and played Jewish folk music the world over.