visit to jerusalem. let s watch. president biden: i was making a speech and i had a terrible headache. excuse me, a terrible headache, and sorry. i had a terrible headache. this was years ago. i did a very stupid thing. harris: so again, the president struggling a bit there. the white house doctors announced they do not believe his symptoms from covid began before yesterday. that was last friday what we showed you. just for perspective. and yesterday he traveled to massachusetts where he announced executive action on climate change. jacqui heinrich is live at the white house. jacqui, all of that recent travel and exposure and also questions about who got exposed to him now that the white house hopefully can answer questions when they talk with the nation live from the white house press briefing room coming up later. that s right. we ll hear from the press secretary and also the white house doctor this afternoon. we weren t slated to have a briefing today. the presiden
Food for thought the school lunch warning. Does your kid even have time to eat . How to prevent them from playing beat the clock. Caught on camera. To catch a thief, the female robber armed with a gun, tying up the employees and loading up the jewels. Her multistate crime spree like something out of a movie. Hey, good morning. And lets get right to our top story now, a wildfire in california exploding in size overnight. Look at this picture out of middletown, california, the hills there ablaze as thousands of people are told to get out, to evacuate. Theyre calling it the valley fire, it has burned homes and a school. Highways have been shut down. Four firefighters are in the hospital this morning. More on their conditions in a moment. Meanwhile, sources on the ground say this exceptionally intense fire is creating its own lightning and gusty winds. Check this out. A professional fire photographer posted this live video on periscope right from the front lines. Lets listen. Lets go, man.
Food for thought the school lunch warning. Does your kid even have time to eat . How to prevent them from playing beat the clock. Caught on camera. To catch a thief, the female robber armed with a gun, loading up the jewels. Her multistate crime spree like something out of a movie. Hey, good morning. And lets get right to our top story now, a wildfire in california exploding in size overnight. Look at this picture out of middletown, california, the hills there ablazed as thousands of people are told to get out. Theyre calling it the valley fire, it has burned homes and schools. Highways have been shut down. Four firefighters are in the hospital this morning. More on their conditions in a moment. Meanwhile, sources on the ground say this intense fire is creating its own lightning and gusty winds. Check this out, a ro fegsal fire photographer posted this live video on periscope right from the front lines. Listen. Lets go, man. Theyre putting water on this particular house because its at
Food for thought the school lunch warning. Does your kid even have time to eat . How to prevent them from playing beat the clock. Caught on camera. To catch a thief, the female robber armed with a gun, loading up the jewels. Her multistate crime spree like something out of a movie. Hey, good morning. And lets get right to our top story now, a wildfire in california exploding in size overnight. Look at this picture out of middletown, california, the hills there ablazed as thousands of people are told to get out. Theyre calling it the valley fire, it has burned homes and schools. Highways have been shut down. Four firefighters are in the hospital this morning. More on their conditions in a moment. Meanwhile, sources on the ground say this intense fire is creating its own lightning and gusty winds. Check this out, a ro fegsal fire photographer posted this live video on periscope right from the front lines. Listen. Lets go, man. Theyre putting water on this particular house because its at
we don t have the updated vaccines we need for this particular sub variant. harris: why? it has been too delayed. production has been too delayed. when the drug companies told us we can reengineer it in 3 to 4 weeks? it is more like 5 to 6 months and no excuse. the money trail has dried up to some extent. we ll have next year better vaccines that work against more sub variants. in the meantime, this vaccine still decreases your risk of getting severely ill and it is very important. paxlovid is a big help. harris: dr. siegel to break it all down. we wish the leader of our country the very best health. the white house is dumping millions into a school lunch study on equity. critics say it is just more woke politics and a waste of our money. plus it looks like president biden is pushing away voters from his own party.