Present. Azalina eusope, here. Harrison is present. Hartwigschulman is absent. Commissioner simi is present. With three members present, we have quorum for the sanitation and streets commission. Public comment is taken for all informational and action items on todays agenda. To comment in person, we ask you please line up against the wall furthest from the door, the audience right, when Public Comment is called. For members of the public wishing to comment on items from outside the hearing room, you may do so by joining the webinar via the link shown on page 2 of todays agenda. And to be recognized, please select the raise your hand icon in the webinar. You may also comment outside from the chamber by dialing, 14156550001 and using the meeting id of 26620992831, , and to raise your hand to be recognized please press 3. The telephone log in information is also available on pages 1 and 2 of todays agenda. Commenters may speak for up to three minutes per item and youll receive a 30 second
Harrison is present. Hartwigschulman is absent. Commissioner simi is present. With three members present, we have quorum for the sanitation and streets commission. Public comment is taken for all informational and action items on todays agenda. To comment in person, we ask you please line up against the wall furthest from the door, the audience right, when Public Comment is called. For members of the public wishing to comment on items from outside the hearing room, you may do so by joining the webinar via the link shown on page 2 of todays agenda. And to be recognized, please select the raise your hand icon in the webinar. You may also comment outside from the chamber by dialing, 14156550001 and using the meeting id of 26620992831, , and to raise your hand to be recognized please press 3. The telephone log in information is also available on pages 1 and 2 of todays agenda. Commenters may speak for up to three minutes per item and youll receive a 30 second notice when your speaking time
Hearts to you. Lord, please shower your mercy on our nation, as we seek to deal with the las vegas mass shooting. Please show mercy to the victims and their families. Lord, in spite of this horrific act, give us faith to believe that evil will not ultimately prevail in our world. May this tragedy motivate us to plant and water seeds of peace, as we cultivate a greater respect for the laws of seed time and harvest. Cut in pieces the cords of wickedness that seek to bind us. Today, guide our senators and use them as ambassadors of reconciliation in our nation and world. Eternal god, though we walk in the midst of trouble, stretch forth your hands and revive us with your might. We pray in your merciful name. Amen. The president pro tempore please join me in reciting the pledge of allegiance to our flag. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of america, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Mr. Mcconnell
The appellant reuben, junius rose action by appellant reverse the moratorium of the orders under the section of the San Francisco building code. Good morning john engine for the department the address for 411 marina building is a singlefamily dwelling and the slooegs solution for a kitchen on the ground floor director is here to meet 2013 which an order of abatement was issued no permits filed to deal with the abatement so the staff asks for the abatement order that concludes my report and is the appellant here . Good morning, commissioners john with reuben, junius rose here on behalf of the project sponsor since we were last here we asked joe duffey to come out and talk about life safety issue there were no one were moving forward decided to maintain our request from the board for a 10 year moratorium on enforcement of the order of abatement due to Financial Hardship that is the Property Owners mother that lives in the basement shes 0 no longer able to live diligently and cant afford
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