The Lay Magistrate Association of Jamaica’s [LMAJ] St James Chapter has donated six fans to Farm Primary and Infant School in St James. The presentation which was made on Wednesday, September 13, was heartily welcomed and saw both students and.
MOVED BY the heat that students of Farm Primary and Infant School have been battling amid high temperatures, the Indian community in Jamaica will donate 300 wall-mounted fans to 70 schools. The initiative, which will cost $1.8 million, will benefit.
WESTERN BUREAU: HOWARD COOKE Primary School in St James has received a donation of concrete mixture valued at more than $1.5 million from Jamaica Pre-Mix Limited to finish the construction of three of the five classrooms it is currently building..
Centenarian Edwin McFarlane wept openly as students and staff from the Sudbury Primary and Infant School in St James serenaded him in song and speech, on June 1. The occasion was the celebration of his 100th birthday, which fell on Saturday, June 3.
Edwin McFarlane wept openly as students and staff from the Sudbury Primary and Infant School in St James serenaded him in song and speech on June 1, two days before he turned 100. The students celebrated with McFarlane and his family at his home.