Roy Schweiker lives in Concord. Concord voters may be surprised to know that there is no legal requirement that the “explanation” of a charter amendment on the ballot must contain information on what the amendment would do, which may be under.
Concord will keep its combination ward and at-large voting system for school board elections, the School District Charter Commission decided Tuesday, after most members agreed ward voting has the best chance of increasing the diversity of.
Appointing a clerk and treasurer may once again become a power of the Concord School Board, as the School District Charter Commission is developing a legal argument on why electing the officers by citywide vote should be discontinued.Currently, school.
The race for Concord School Board is now uncontested, after a candidate withdrew one week before Election Day. Tim Benitez withdrew from the Concord School Board election Monday, writing in an email to Concord’s superintendent and district clerk that.
When Concord voters go to the polls on Election Day Nov. 2, they will be selecting candidates for the Concord School District Charter Commission, a nine-member body that is convening for the first time in 10 years to review the school district’s.