Elders, and relatives of the Ramaytush Ohlone community and by affirming their sovereign rights as first peoples. Thank you commissioner chow next 2. Approval of the minutes of the Health Commission community and Public Health Committee Meeting of december 19, 2023, meeting. Any corrections or additions to the minutes hearing none, motion to approve. I move to approve. My Public Comment on the minutes. Anyone in the room. Ill check to see if any handles are up great no hands so i will roll call. Commissioner chow i didnt see. Commissioner giraudo, yes. Vice president guillermo, yes. Commissioner christian and president green. And statement before we begin to take general Public Comment. Im to remind folks starting on january 16th remote Public Comment can only be permission for given if folks contact we by on a the day before two folks have permission. And here is um, a little script on general public agenda. With respect to agenda items, your opportunity to address the commission will
Want or bring up the chairs if you guys can bring in the chairs enjoy the show tonight are you guys excited . Excited. Yeah. We cant do this show. yelling i dont think their exciteed. Are you excited. Yeah. Theyre excited their exciting i dont know if you guys are excited, i want to hear from the people in the back are you guys excited for foots show tonight yeah. Now we can go can everyone sing jingle. There we go we have everyone say hi to jingle and jingle and hi. Hi. Im so excited about christmas that is my favorite time of the year raise your hand in christmas is your favorite time of the year each year number one, people are really nice during christmas arent they. You have to be extra niece santa will bring you presents there is a little bit of bribe what else do you like about christmas. multiple voices . I like gifts gift are good. Had do i like. Cocoa you know, we got a lot of hoot cocoa 0 guys i like with marshmallows. Yeah. And whipped cream. multiple voices . And on top of
Public comment via email, it will be forwarded to the supervisors and included as part of the file. You may also send your comment via us mail to our office in city hall one. Doctor carlson place, room 244 San Francisco, california 94102. Please make sure to silence all cell phones and Electronic Devices documents to be included as part of the file should be submitted to the clerk. Items acted upon today are expected to appear on the board of supervisors agenda on april 16th, 2024, unless otherwise stated. That completes my initial announcements. Thank you so much. Can you please read item number one . Yes. Item number one is a motion approving rejecting the mayors nomination for reappointment of fiona hinsey to the Municipal Transportation Agency board of directors terms ending march 1st, 20, 2028. Thank you. And i understand, commissioner hynes is on on zoom or online, yes, we will unmute her line right now. Good morning, madam chair and supervisors. Walton and stuff. Like i as, mr.
What you accomplished took a lot of hard work. There was a lot of blood, sweat and tears on that field where you were practicing probably longer hours than you really wanted to. And i know that your coaches really pushed to push to push you very hard, to get to a place where Something Like this was possible. But these teams are more than just about winning games. Its really about creating teamwork. Its really trying to put forth your best foot and realizing what youre capable of. There are long term relationships that are established as a result of hard work and going through such a challenging time together. And we in the city and county of San Francisco, as the mayor, i want to express just how proud i am of what you accomplish and what you delivered for San Francisco, because its not just about the base ox. Its about the entire city and county of San Francisco and what each and every one of you represents. I want to take this moment to acknowledge phil ginsburg, whos going to be tal
Have 30 seconds remaining. You must limit to the topic of the gone item discussed. Unless you are spoking in general Public Comment the chair can interrupt and ask to you limit to the agenda item. Address remarks to the commission as a whole. Thank you to sfgovtv. If you have in the done so silence your electronic device. Also item 8 on todayy agenda the hearing to consider possible action to revise the rules governing electric service pulled from the agenda and rescheduled. And additional low there will be no closed session today. San francisco puc acknowledges it owns and stewards of the unceded lands in the territory of tribes and other descendants of the federal Mission San Jose Alameda County. The puc recognizes every citizen has and continues to benefit from the use and occupation of the tribes lands. Since before and after the puc commission founding in 1932. It is important that not only recognize the history of the tribal lands but also we acknowledge upon and honor the fact t