The world-renowned Young People s Chorus of New York City (YPC) has announced an exciting lineup of summer performances beginning Saturday, May 14 at 2:30 p.m. with a public singalong at Josie Robertson Plaza at Lincoln Center in New York City and running through July with performances at two of the west s premier festivals: Sing A Mile High in Denver and Festival Napa Valley.
The world-renowned Young People’s Chorus of New York City (YPC), is pleased to announce the appointment of Elizabeth Núñez as Creative Director. An acclaimed conductor, clinician and speaker, and soloist, Núñez has been with YPC since 2004 and has played a significant role in fostering the award -wining choir’s key programs as well as providing vision for new initiatives. In her new role, Núñez will lead YPC’s creative programming efforts.
An acclaimed conductor, clinician and speaker, and soloist, Núñez has been with YPC since 2004 and has played a significant role in fostering the award -wining choir's key programs as well as providing vision for new initiatives. In her new role, Núñez will lead YPC's creative programming efforts.