Staff photo by Clay Schuldt
Agriculture teacher Kelsey Brandt leads the New Ulm School Board through a tour of the future CTE building.
NEW ULM The District 88 School board took a tour of the former Windings building and future site of the District 88 Career and Technical Education (CTE) Center, Thursday.
The future CTE Center is located at 208 N. Valley Street. The board held its work session meeting at the site to see the interior of the building and received an update on plans for the building.
The work session began with a walking tour of the building. District Agriculture teacher Kelsey Brandt led the tour along with High School Principal Mark Bergmann. The board was given maps of the facility with the remodel plans. Brandt and Bergmann gave a running tally of some of the changes that would be made to the building before it opened. Currently, much of the former manufacturing floor is open space. There are plans to partition off the various sections.