Do You Have Narcissistic Parents? How to Tell Alyssa Sybertz
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Many parents would no doubt say that their lives changed entirely when they had or adopted their first child. They learned to put someone else s well-being before their own, to anticipate the wants and needs of another person. In other words, many people go through a transformation that people often describe as simply becoming a parent.
But not everyone changes or feels the same way when they hold their child for the first time. While a lot of people take time to adjust to the idea of parenthood, some continue to struggle long after that baby grows up. They have a hard time putting themselves in a position that isn t No. 1
Sociopaths vs. Narcissists: 3 Ways to Tell the Difference Alyssa Sybertz
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Sociopaths vs narcissists
Hannibal Lecter. Tom Ripley. Joffrey Baratheon. Amy Dunne. Patrick Bateman. The Joker. These iconic characters lie, manipulate, steal, and murder. They are cold, exploitative, vain, and smooth. They are clearly sociopaths, people who manipulate and exploit without remorse…or are they narcissists, people who believe they are the best and the smartest? (These are the signs of a psychopath.) Sociopaths may exhibit similar characteristics to narcissists at times, and narcissists may exhibit similar behaviors to sociopaths, admits Mike Gallagher, licensed professional clinical counselor and clinical director at the Shoreline Recovery Center in Encinitas, California.
What Is Narcissistic Abuse Syndrome? Alyssa Sybertz
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When reality begins to blur
Think about a multiplayer video game. In these games, you choose a character, then that character goes into the world of the game and builds a life there. While you re playing, you re essentially living in that world through your character. And when it s time to stop playing, you turn off the game and return to your life in the real world.
Now imagine that the lines between these two worlds become blurred. You grow confused, thinking you see characters from the video game walking past you on the street. You start to lose trust in your ability to differentiate between the real world and the game world. Self-doubt, confusion, and maybe even self-hatred soon follow.