one official telling abc news they were, quote, flabbergasted by the tweet, calling it an avoidable error. that said, officials are insisting this was not witness tampering. they point out the president already tweeted after the ambassador yovanovitch started her testimony and wouldn t have known about it if schiff hadn t mentioned it during the testimony. jon, thank you. and we re also following another developing story. two planes colliding at the airport in san antonio. one plane ending up on top of the other right next to the runway. david kerley with the images coming in now. reporter: investigators tonight want to know exactly how these two private jets ended up in a tangled mess. one cessna on top of another in san antonio. airport emergency crews responded, worried about 300 gallons of fuel which leaked fr. one of the jets had been parked on the ramp for more than a week. a source tells abc news that the second aircraft arriving from