Goldmoney Inc. , today announced financial results for the financial quarter ended December 31, 2023. All amounts are expressed in Canadian dollars unless otherwise noted.Financial HighlightsGroup.
The sharp increase in US debt is likely to be the quickest increase within a short period of time, and Schiff wonders if the year will end with a debt or dollar crisis.
Powell's suggestion to start cutting rates before inflation falls to the 2% target reflects an attempt to prop up growth by creating more inflation, Schiff said.
If it seems to you that the economic headlines that we are being fed by the mainstream media are completely and utterly disconnected from reality, you are definitely not alone. They tell us that inflation is under control, but I was just at the grocery store today and I could hardly believe the prices. They tell us that unemployment is “low”, but large companies are laying off workers in droves. And they tell us that things are getting better for the middle class, but the truth is that by mid-2024 the vast majority of Americans will have less money than they did in 2019…