Business, the media, across the board, and the president since hes been in office has stoked that in an unprecedented way. The argument that theyre going to make about the fact that hes obstructing certainly matters on constitutional level but does it matter on a who cares level. This is an issue, i think the loss of institutional integrity, because our politics are tribalized and divisive, why nancy pelosi did not want to move forward with impeachment for the longest time, because it would be so divisive and she feels like her hand has been, you know, that theres no choice but to move forward. Whether its i remember during the health care debate, senator dodd said this is a really bad idea to do this on a party line vote. Doing impeachment this way is really hard because it allows one side to cast the other as seeking to legitimize them. Thats what the American People should not want because it undermines our institutions. Were going to hear from three witnesses basically at length to
file a whistle-blower complaint to schiff s version made up of the july 25th calling. enclosed in the interview schiff was prosecutor, judge, jury and witness coach. every day he loved getting american drunk on his favorite cocktail, three ingredients, cherry picking leaks, withholding key facts and misstating evidence. in depositions and in the public hearings, the president s counsel was not invited to attend, present evidence or cross-examine witnesses. republicans were not allowed to call witnesses like hunter biden, joe biden and many others. there was the house judiciary debacle where schiff couldn t even show up to present his reports. he had to have one of his staffers present it for him. this impeachment is ripping our country in half. it s fatally flawed on the process, substance and consequences. it s a total shit show. i verge all of my colleagues to say no. i think, madam speaker, we continue to reserve the balance of our time. gentleman reserves.
substitute for proof. the current legal case for impeachment is not woefully inadequate but some respects dangerous and the dangerous for impeachment of an american president. today what we re supposed to get was what i would love my friends on the majority of this committee said, mueller. when we got the mueller report it didn t go real well. we had a lot of hearings, didn t go real well. got bob mueller and they said this is going to be the movie version, in fact, what happened, they did my colleagues on the majority had live readings from capitol hill they made dramatic podcasts and wrote a comic book rendition that breathed life into the mueller report and didn t work. they brought bob mueller. the movie version. they told us robert mueller s testimony would be the thing that people watched and would be convinced. guess what? they wasn t convinced. it fell flat. you know today i guess the movie version of the schiff report except one thing, the star witness failed to show up. mr.
but where is mr. schiff. mueller, robert mueller, testified the ken starr report, ken starr testified, the author of the schiff report is not here. instead, he s sending his staff to do his job for him. i guess that s what you get when you re making up impeachment as you go. so as we look forward there s going to be plenty of time to discuss the factual case for this and the statements that have not been made. what is detrimental to me is this, this committee is not hearing from a factual witness, not doing anything past hearing from law school professors and staff. we ve not been given something about the president to come. show me where he would have a proper process in this, where we could have witnesses called by both sides. but i want to say this, in ending, i love this institution. i was here as a 19-year-old kid as an intern.
that was such a massive malpractice i ve ever seen. you know why, again, they don t care about what actually was in the transcript. they don t actually care what happened. and we heard last week from witnesses they don t even care that aid was released. they re simply looking at the facts to make it fit their narrative. what else happened? this is also the chairman schiff who also said that collusion in plain sight, it was there before the mueller report came out, all this was going to happen. i guess maybe i might need to not just stop commenting on chairman schiff because i may end up on the next phone records subpoena as we go forward. you see, we ve taken a dangerous turn in this congress. subpoenas are fine. properly ton. and should be done. properly. but they should never be at the expense of a political vendetta. professor turley testified last week, presumption is no