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Schick Japan Launches 4th Evangelion Campaign in Time for New Film
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2020-12-18 14:45 EST by Lynzee Loveridge
Schick is also holding a contest that will give away 300 original bath towels to lucky customers. The towels feature artwork of Rei Ayanami, Asuka Shikinami Langley, and Mari Makinami Illustrious.
Following a successful campaign in May, Schick Razors is re-releasing its
Evangelion-themed razors with original magnets and posters that feature scenes from the upcoming film. The limited edition sets went on sale on Friday, December 18 in drugstores across Japan.
Magnets and Posters
Schick is also holding a contest that will give away 300 original bath towels to lucky customers. The towels feature artwork of Rei Ayanami, Asuka Shikinami Langley, and Mari Makinami Illustrious.
no specific stores have been targeted yet. the much anticipated apple watch is going on sale today. how is it expected to do? the company is predicting the watch will sell out today. it went on sale just a few hours ago and the only way you can get it is to order it online. the lienls, you know how those could be. maybe very long. deliveries begin april 24th. but your watch could be delayed as late as this summer depending on the model.1x so finally, are women really paying more for products than men? yeah. we ve really got to pay attention to this story. the tax for simply being a woman continues to away problem in almost every single state according to business insider. products like a pack of schick razors were $1 more for women