NORTHFIELD The Friends of Schell Bridge reflected on hardships and triumphs, including a possible grant announcement expected later this month, on the path to making the goal of a pedestrian bridge over the Connecticut River a reality during the.
NORTHFIELD The Friends of Schell Bridge reflected on hardships and triumphs, including a possible grant announcement expected later this month, on the path to making the goal of a pedestrian bridge over the Connecticut River a reality during the.
NORTHFIELD The Friends of Schell Bridge reflected on hardships and triumphs, including a possible grant announcement expected later this month, on the path to making the goal of a pedestrian bridge over the Connecticut River a reality during the.
Friends of Schell Bridge holding annual meetingNORTHFIELD The Friends of Schell Bridge will hold its annual meeting on Saturday, Dec. 10, at 9:30 a.m. at The Brewery at Four Star Farms, located at 508 Pine Meadow Road. Sen. Jo Comerford,.
MONTAGUE The state Senate has confirmed a $2 million allocation for the rehabilitation or replacement of Montague Center’s Center Street Bridge and Millers Falls’ Papermill Road Bridge as an amendment to the state’s transportation bond bill.While.