CM Siddaramaiah said the Karnataka government has already recommended twice to the central government to include the Ambiga community in the ST list. | Bengaluru News
Ranchi, Dec 24 (PTI) Thousands of tribals on Sunday took out a rally at Ranchi's Morabadi Ground to demand the 'delisting' of tribals who have converted to other religions such as Christianity and Islam from the Scheduled Tribe (ST) list.
Sources said delegation of Darjeeling-based Gorkha Bharatiya Janjati Mahasangh, comprising representatives of the 11 Gorkha communities, met Union tribal minister Arjun Munda last week
The poster campaign calls for a better Manipur with equal status and appeals to people to leave a missed call to the phone number 8732042511 starting from November 20 till December 20, 2023.