Employee experience impacts attraction, retention, and engagement. To improve it, focus on your employee s sense of belonging, purpose, achievement, happiness, and vigor.
(Archived document, may contain errors) 864 November 6,1991 MAKING AMERICA MORE COmlTIlW WITH FOREIGN INTRODUCTION Foreign direct invest ment in the united States has ccpuibuted gmtly to the coulltly's economic grpwth over the past two centuries. In the 18008, kip capital financed most of America's bridges, canals, railroads and other infrastruc tun. Today, fmign investment is responsible fa the employment of 3.7 million Americans, Qll2tnllq~in wages to Americans, d$7 billion in research and development spending.
European airline workers are continuing strikes, defying state threats to ban strikes using reactionary “minimum service” laws against which unions are organizing no opposition.
Top eight stories for today including Mississippi’s last remaining abortion clinic will close permanently after a judge ruled the state’s ban on the procedure can take effect; Experts see ideological forces behind the Supreme Court majority’s rush to recalibrate constitutional law; Scandinavian Airlines is losing millions of dollars each day due to a pilot strike, and more.