care act is the law. it is the law of the land, it was signed into the law four years ago. if anybody is breaking the law, it s these republican governors who refuse to go along with the expansion of medicare. you know, on the scandal point, i ve just got to say, i m a talk show host. i love a good scandal. it lights up the phones. none of these scandals are real. they are all phony scandals and just shell hearings that darrell issa keeps holding on the same subjects. even charles krauthammer, conservative talk show analyst said get off benghazi, you re beating it to death. the tea party nation is run on its website, headline, how did barack obama win re-election in 2010. the article claims there were over 1 million double votes in 2012. and it says democrats are not winning elections, they re stealing them. one, first of all, there was a million that was double the