so apoplectic in wisconsin. they saw the salaries dwindle. just you don t think it s politics and union due goes to democratic politicians and walker trying to break the connection? andrea: you want to talk about it? juan: glad to. dana: he tried to balance a budget. it worked. andrea: we could have a discussion about the revolving door. eric: they deserve to make money as they can. but the dues are mandatory. dana: right. eric: members don t a choice. dana: that is why card check, legislation to make it mandatory failed. good thing. eric: leftist running the main stream media devoting time to mitt romney s faith. but is that a legitimate issue? i don t recall the same scal pescalpel used on barack obama. t
so apoplectic in wisconsin. they saw the salaries dwindle. just you don t think it s politics and union due goes to democratic politicians and walker trying to break the connection? andrea: you want to talk about it? juan: glad to. dana: he tried to balance a budget. it worked. andrea: we could have a discussion about the revolving door. eric: they deserve to make money as they can. but the dues are mandatory. dana: right. eric: members don t a choice. dana: that is why card check, legislation to make it mandatory failed. good thing. eric: leftist running the main stream media devoting time to mitt romney s faith. but is that a legitimate issue? i don t recall the same scal pescalpel used on barack obama.