In his first public address in Gujarat as part of the third phase of Lok Sabha elections in his home state, Prime Minister Modi said that as long as the BJP and he remain, the reservation granted to SC/ST/OBC and economically weaker sections will be safeguarded and not harmed.
Rahul Gandhi promised an ultra-Left idea of wealth distribution in India that even communist China shuns. What followed was a no holds barred attack by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who added a ‘minority’ twist to the discourse, leaving the Congress confused
India News: Stating that PM Narendra Modi is "shaken, panicked and worried" by Congress's "revolutionary" manifesto, Rahul Gandhi Wednesday said the first decisio
Lok Sabha Elections News: Stating that PM Narendra Modi is "shaken, panicked and worried" by Congress's "revolutionary" manifesto, Rahul Gandhi Wednesday said the first decisio