i know william defo did in the last temptation of christ. this happened in 2003 and asked if it took the kid a longtime to write the book. he was four. that s a good point. i am just jealous. he is 11 and has a best selling book. oh! coming up, what is up with sun rooves? up next we discuss sc cup s newest book, sun roofs and their malicious attack on the religious right. but first, charlie sheen is back in the news. i know, we apologize in advance.
coming up tomorrow on the next red eye too good looking for his own good, mike baker. look at her in her glasses. author and columnist, sc-cupp, and michael waltrip will be here in studio. cool show. back to tv s andy levy for the post game wrap up. brooke, are you headed to the holy land on friday? i am. friday i am going to attend the 11th annual conference taking place outside tel aviv, and i am honored to be asked to address the audience about welfare as it is used to de legit myself democracies. i am in good company and so looking forward to it. you guys are going to party. did you mention mike huckabee? he is going to be there.
been leaked. we will tell them the word they are looking for is under the letter i. and is king abdullah looking to move the mosque to the west village? we will talk about that. and bill and i will answer your questions in a segment called ask red eye but will we be shirtless? stick around. thank you, andy. i have a bad feeling about this, greg. i am looking at your hair and you should. i apologize for nothing. i anxiously await your demise. let s welcome our guests. sad man. i am here with sc-cupp. santa asks her to guide his sleigh, but then he hits on her because he is a pervert. and his comedy central record album the depression option is available on amazon. i own six copies, one for each of my toes. and bill shultz, salvation army bell ringers give him
missing something. we like the idea that you are missing out on the fun. that is how we do things here, greg. if the tree was magestic like the one at rockefeller plaza, there would be no depression. don t get me started! we have a meeting tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. oh we are? yes. first brunch. why not do brunch afterwards? no i want to do it before. it will just be crowded though. i no. i want to be full and look at the tree. is that the place with the eggnog tv s. ? yes. oh i want to go early. that was my point. i just proved a point. coming up, do kittens make good christmas ornaments. sc cup shows you how first, are reality stars worse than
next to an obese woman. and what is the latest with charlie sheen? oh, it is hooker ands blow? i m not sure that is even news. thank you, andy. are you worse than a smoky house. greg? i would rather be a dog than be a moon. i would rather be the the moon. sc-cupp, her latest book is losing our religion. the surgeon general attached a warning label to her butt. joe devito, if hilarity were hobos he would be buried in my backyard, and no one would care because they are hoe boas. and bill shultz who stinks of grandpa and road kill. and john devore.