“What’s the best place to invest my money right now?” That might be the most dreaded, if not hated question us investment advisers routinely get. I know it certainly is
inflation rate. and the deal measured by the c.p.i., a 10% yield. they are like savings accounts, but adjusted for inflation. and actually, the treasury should adjust the coupon. the coupon is still 0, even though the inflation rate is running upwards of 8, 9%. sandra: more of a sophisticated play but certainly for people who see what is happening, they are worried. should they be? larry: you know i m a sophisticated guy and the best possible advice. sandra: i want the exact investment advice. what should i be doing? larry: i-bonds are something people should look at. the calvary is on the way. a g.o.p. sweep in november, my view. you heard byron york say the same thing, he knows more about politics than i do, but the polls are showing that. so i would suggest to people, if you are in the stock market now, stay there.