(Photo : Sgt. Dana Clarke, U.S. Army/wiki-commons)
Finally, Lockheed Martin and Boeing unveiled the Defiant X, the next-generation replacement for the aging UH-60 Black Hawk, its current all-purpose helicopter. Changes in enemy defenses require a new chopper that faster and quieter, with the strong points of the UH-60.
Defiant X Candidate for U.S. Army s FLRAA
The US Army is looking for another helicopter to replace the Black Hawk, and the Advanced helicopter is a development from its SB>1 demonstrator prototype. Competition for the US Army s Future Long-Range Assault Aircraft (FLRAA) contract that will introduce a helicopter that can fly farther and faster reported News Atlas.
Sikorsky and Boeing Unveil New Helicopter that Could Replace US Army Black Hawk
The coaxial helicopter is based on the companies’ Defiant prototype.
Lockheed Martin’s Sikorsky and Boeing have unveiled a new compound coaxial helicopter that they hope will one day replace the U.S. Army’s venerable Black Hawk helicopter.
The companies billed their Defiant-X as the “fastest, most maneuverable and most survivable assault helicopter in history.” The design is based on the SB>1 tech demonstrator aircraft jointly built by the two companies in recent years.
“We ve made some enhancements to design to help reduce thermal signature and improve aerodynamic handling,” Heather McBryan, Boeing’s sales and marketing director for Future Vertical Lift, said in a call with reporters on Friday ahead of Monday’s announcement.