Hyderabad: A female teacher at a private school in Hyderabad went missing on May 26 but the matter came to light on Sunday. A case of missing person has been filed at Nallakunta Police Station According to Sub-Inspector Rama Devi, a 18-year-old Wahedunnisa is working as a teacher in a private school on Adikmet Achyutha Reddy Marg.
The disappearance of Mauritanian child Sayyed Ahmed captured attention of social media users. Security authorities participated in the extensive searches.
In terms of transitional justice, Sudan is counting on a supposed "final agreement" and new commitments to end the political crisis. Have they any chance of success?
African parliamentarians have been attending conferences with their Russian colleagues to deliberate important questions of common interest to both Russia
BAGHDAD When a landslide buried part of an Islamic shrine in Iraq this summer, killing eight pilgrims, sorrow quickly turned to anger because the site was run without oversight from state or religious authorities.The deadly disaster struck in August near Karbala when tonnes of soggy earth and rock collapsed onto the Shiite shrine Qattarat Al Imam Ali, dedicated to the imam’s