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Spotlight on Analysis Function Learning Offer
The Government Analysis Function (AF) has around 17,000 members working across the Civil Service. Established in 2018, the AF brings together analysts of all disciplines by facilitating cross-government and cross-profession collaboration on the highest priority analytical issues.
As a function we want to support you in all aspects of your career and development. Our vision is to have the right people in the right place at the right time, with the right skills to deliver better analysis for better delivery.
To do this, we want to provide you with learning and development opportunities to help you meet your potential, ensuring the delivery of a robust, relevant and future-proof analytical learning offer.
Spotlight on the Analysis Function Learning Offer
Why members of the Analysis Function should use the Learning Curriculum
6 May 2021
The Government Analysis Function (AF) has around 17,000 members working across the Civil Service. Established in 2018, the AF brings together analysts of all disciplines by facilitating cross-government and cross-profession collaboration on the highest priority analytical issues.
As a function we want to support you in all aspects of your career and development. Our vision is to have the right people in the right place at the right time, with the right skills to deliver better analysis for better delivery.
To do this, we want to provide you with learning and development opportunities to help you meet your potential, ensuring the delivery of a robust, relevant and future-proof analytical learning offer.