May 14, 2021
A Guy Steals 14 Cases of Bud Light, Then Tries to Return Them by Saying His Wife Bought the Wrong Beer
This seems like a really convoluted way to steal like $200.
There s a guy in Delhi Township, Ohio, and earlier this week, he stole 14 cases of Bud Light from a Kroger grocery store.
Then he rolled the shopping cart back inside and tried to return all the Bud Light . . . because he told the staff his wife bought the wrong beer.
The employees couldn t confirm his story, so the guy stormed out with all of the Bud Light.
And when the store looked at the surveillance footage, they figured out what happened . . . and they called the cops.
By The Rod Ryan Show
May 14, 2021
A Guy Steals 14 Cases of Bud Light, Then Tries to Return Them by Saying His Wife Bought the Wrong Beer
This seems like a really convoluted way to steal like $200.
There s a guy in Delhi Township, Ohio, and earlier this week, he stole 14 cases of Bud Light from a Kroger grocery store.
Then he rolled the shopping cart back inside and tried to return all the Bud Light . . . because he told the staff his wife bought the wrong beer.
The employees couldn t confirm his story, so the guy stormed out with all of the Bud Light.
May 14, 2021
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Originally Aired: Friday, May 14th, 2021