Building on a career that spans tech startups to academia, Arvind Narayanan becomes director of Princeton's Center for Information Technology Policy, advancing the center as a resource and honest broker for policymakers and others seeking to understand technologies like artificial intelligence and chatbots.
Sayash Kapoor and Arvind Narayanan speak to The Indian Express about the reasons behind deciding to write their book on Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the form of a newsletter, the limits of ChatGPT in the realm of education, and more.
Read the soul rain panegyrics. See the invultuation of the abysmal swarm. You ve read William S Burroughs. You ve read Junji Ito. You ve even read RL Stine s Goosebumps series. But I don t care how jaded you think you are - MawBTS s work is like A BREATH OF FRESH WATER.