to hard-working muscles and joints, for all-day energy. - liberal candidate janet priebu say what s won her race, marking the first time in 15 years that the court will have a democratic majority. conservative candidate danie kelly, back in 2021 advised th states republican party on its fake electorate scheme, gave what we can only describe as a sore loser concession speech watch. i do not have a worth opponent to which i ca concede. this was the most deeply deceitful, dishonourable despicable campaign i have eve seen - for the courts it was truly beneath contempt.
the room. you being anthropologist anthropology is the study of human civilization. biological. so if you were to dig up a human, two humans 100 years from now both man and woman, could you tell the difference strictly off the bones. no. because. [laughter] i m the expert in the room. how many have you been to archeological sites? how many of you studied are a throw polling. that guy has ph.d. in are a throw polling. he finds a husband and wife buried next to each other and he tells you he can t tell you the difference. sure. but that s the point. they don t want us to say what s obvious because, what s obvious is that these people are idiots. if you can t say what s obvious, then you can t say the border is broken and crime suspect.
THE National Stadium at Bukit Jalil was an architectural marvel when it was officially unveiled to the world on Saturday, July 11, 1998, four months ahead of the 16th Commonwealth Games in Kuala Lumpur.