at a lower price, and they did. that may be the thing we have to hope from in medicare if the country is going to avoid bankruptcy. the cuts were so noncontroversial, no more than two senators and two house members had any idea what any of the cuts were. there were hundreds in medicare, they didn t know what they were. david frum, founder and editor of thank you for joining me tonight. still to come, why media wrote the story on michele bachmann s migraines, and how her republicans are trying to stop her. and calls for investigators into rupert murdoch s american holdings. did murdoch s employees break u.s. laws? neutrogena® wet skin .
receive any medicare assistance. like i said, i m not promising. does the hospital not have some type of charity program that could potentially help? well, we re looking at everything right now. now earlier today, we reached out to the south carolina department of health and human services, their press office said they d call us right back with their chief information officer on the line, but that never happened. we do know that state officials are, for some reason, actually investigating this incident for any possible wrong doing on the part of state employees. on his project veritas website, james o keefe boosts that in this time of economic uncertainty, the american people deserve to know how their tax dollars are being wasted. this should be a wake-up call for close scrutiny of the medicaid system. he s right to say the american people deserve to know how their tax dollars are being wasted, and now the people of south carolina know their tax dollars are being wasted investiga
60% more allows for a lot of pressure that doesn t necessarily touch patients until you get well below until you re getting down to levels constituents seem to spend. we disagree how easy it is to cut medicare. i sat in a room in 1983 with finance committee staff and we pulled out $3 $200 billion in medicare cuts. that included tax increases and deficit reduction accomplished through medicare cuts, and in doing it, i have to tell you, dave, it was a very painful and difficult thing to do. it was all taken out of the provider side. the other thing about it politically is, it was done without a peep. there was not a single liberal objection anywhere in the senate or in the house when bill clinton came in and did a very serious deficit reduction package as his first act as president and went straight at
he says he needs medicaid help for 25 fellow irishman in a nearby hospital that were shot in belfast. his group, project veritas says it proves yet another example of widespread medicaid fraud. given that shaun murphy tells the state of south carolina he is a terrorist, needs health care for foreign citizens, and expresses incredible wealth, what would the medicare office do? how many do you need? there s 25 of them. that should be approximately 25 applications. you are welcome to take copies if you need more. the disability report, these don t have to be signed, so it is definitely not in my own best interest to divulge anything to anyone, because i could not afford it.
perception battle in the polls. our nbc news, the wall street journal poll shows, 58% of people support the president s position that there should be a balanced approach to deficit reduction, and 62% of people say the republicans should agree to a balanced approach, including some tax revenue increases. everything the president has said and continues to say about the debt ceiling and deficit reduction is designed to appeal to independent and swing voters who will always hope that the president can find some sort of middle ground, some reasonable middle ground compromise with republicans. some of what the president has said about deficit reduction, about spending cuts in medicare and social security specifically, has troubled some liberal obama supporters who are hanging on the president s every word. medicare and social security cuts are unpopular throughout