say iing absolutely not. so he sets up yes, i want to do it so badly. but only if he s fair and then he comes up with a bumpbl nch o lies. he s democrat. he s a republican. his staff is democrats. they re actually mixed. he worked eight years for obama. no, it was eight years for george w. bush and or four for obama. if he would be fair, i d be thrilled to talk to him. he says that and says it with the full u knowledge of the people he listens to. not even talking about his lawyers. people he listens to are people who go on fox news and here s what they re tell iing him abou taub k to mueller. i don t want him to testify because as a lawyer, i don t want him caught in a gotcha moment where someone accuses him of lying. he should never walk into that room. any good lawyer would advise the president to do everything in his power not to testify
russia and then at the very end of the press conference, we heard him talk about nobody s been tougher on russia than i have been. jim acosta asked that question. he shouted that question. he s joining us now. chief white house correspondent. finally, the president is insisting that no one has been tougher, no american leader has been tougher on russia than he s been. that s right. i think reagan and kennedy would probably disagree with that, but at the same time, we tried to ask the question as the president and abe were leaving, what happened to sanctions on russia. he essentially said we may do sanctions on russia if we feel the events warrant such an action, but went on to say as you mentioned that nobody has been tougher on russia than he has. that is just not really born out by the facts. now, with we should also point out a lot of other new us made at this. one o f the things we re going to be turning back to is the president say iing if this
oval office today. for a meeting where he s going to talk rolling back regulations. while they re pleading with the president, made his case. this is why i should still be in this job. he s lost a lot of allies in the west wing but still has unlike david shuk david shulkin. people who may not want to protect the the environment and they have been in the president s ear say iing this g is getting conservative stuff done. my experience sam is that politicians have to, they get their own scar tissue on their own. they don t want it from their own people under them. he s taking a lot of bad hit h from the media. he doesn t want that hanging on his administration, does he? no. we re reporting tonight actually that one of the subplots here is an increde amount of tension. the beast. the beast. the senior white house staff and senior epa staff in which
that is the sort of back and forth taking shots at each ot r other. we also heard him referred to as a fixer for the president. a lot of negative connotation to that. let s go back to the idea that the president hasn t spoken in three days. or at least no public events. do owe we know why that s the case? what s the white house say iing about the president s silence? reporter: we don t have any explanation tr why the president s schedule has not provided for public events. he will have on the schedule tomorrow a visit to ohio, where we expect he will be talking about economic issues. he will be making remarks in public and there might be an opportunity to be able to toss some questions at the president. that s often the way we have been able to interact with him over his time in office. but the proximity give iing us chance to ask a question.
connect all of these cases because they had a distinct signature and that is foreign cottic batteries ordered online and according to one senior law enforcement official apparently came from asia. that s how they were able to piece this all together. another key point of the case that allowed investigators to track the suspect down is cell phone tower analysis. according to investigators he turned his cell phone on a few hours before police were able to catch up with him and so certainly that was a case break in this case as well as you mentioned that surveillance video taken inside that fedex facility. authorities say that was also a key break in the case. the governor say iing that this was a very fast-moving investigation and local authorities say that with the help of the atf and fbi, hundreds of agents, they were able to bring this to a conclusion overnight. i want to bring in a former fbi agent and profiler and msnbc contributor.